Writing With Tequila

Margarita on Flag of MexicoHow often have you heard that writers are crazy? Often, right?

Just think, every writer lives in her head easily 90% of the time. She makes up worlds that she tries to control, at least in the beginning. Then the characters take over. They may not do what we want most of the time, but like in my case, being a romance writer, they always come around to my way of thinking. You know, that LOVE can help any person get through the rough times and appreciate the good times.

Then when a writer deals with the outside world, there are so much she can’t control (reviewers, editors, agents, sales, family, etc.) and that can drive a normal person to drink, no less an oversensitive person (most writers).

I’ve been writing for years, and I can tell you the thought of downing a bottle of tequila sounds ideal most days. Yeah. I can understand why Stephen King was an alcoholic for years.

Don’t worry about me. I’m a sober writer though certainly loony. You can only imagine how nuts I would be drunk. Then again, I love everyone when I’m drunk. But we won’t go there.

2 thoughts on “Writing With Tequila

  1. Carla,

    Boy can I relate. Your reason for writing is the reason I read. In the real world things can be hectic, overwhelming and just sad. I’ve been through many trials in the past 10 years and I could always escape for a while when I pick up a romance book. There are authors out there who have no idea how they saved my sanity. And, I am sure there are many others like me. So, thank you for your time and of yourself that you put into your books.



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