Newsletter Author Carla Swafford: Giveaway

I bet that heading got your attention. Everyone loves a free book. If you follow me on Facebook, you’ve seen my post about a giveaway to subscribers. The book is Jake: A Southern Crime Family Novel.

So you want to know how to win a copy. Send me an email to authorcarlaswafford (no spaces) and say Happy Holidays. And I will draw 8 names to win four paperbacks and four ebooks (one book per winner). Winners will be announced Christmas Day.

You may know that Jake has two brothers, Sen and Ethan. Their books were due out 2021 and 2022, but things happened that threw me off my schedule. So I’m hoping Sen will be out the end of next year and Ethan the following year if not sooner. Don’t worry, Jake’s book does not end on a cliff hanger. He solves his old man’s murder. But it does leave a couple questions unanswered. Sen’s and Ethan’s stories will happen in the same timeline as their older brother’s and will answer those questions. They have their own mysteries surrounding their father’s death and by the end of each they are solved.

He motioned his gun toward her, his face still in the shadows. “Strip.”

“What? Her whole body flushed with embarrassment and hunger.

“You heard me.”

“Is this how you get women in bed with you?”

Jake Whitfield and Angel Tally

Be sure to go and preorder Savage Champion. The ebook is ready for preorder. Only 99 cents from preorder to first week after published. Then the price will go up. If you prefer a paperback, it can be preordered in the next month or so, but it will be for $10.99.

“Then you understand this. I’ll not let him harm one hair on your head. Do you understand me? You’re mine.”

Ronan Michaels in Savage Champion

Just a little side story about my writing. Before my first book sold to HarperCollins, I had written 11 books. The first one they published was #10. They decided on the title Circle of Desire. I had called it Out of The Shadows. I was in the middle of writing the second book for them when my buying editor left the company. OH, NO! See, the editor who believed in you and your writing has left and you don’t have a cheerleader any more. Oh, well, after the third book, my new editor wanted a new series. I sent her a few ideas and we talked about them. She wanted something different. That’s the way the business goes. I’ll tell you another time about my experience with Random House.

Merry Christmas!
