Newsletter: Author Carla Swafford – On To The Next One

Presently, I’m working on the second book in the Southern Crime Family series, Sen. It’s half written and I finally have a sense of where I’m going with it. Hopefully, it’ll be finished by this fall. There is so much planned this year. Special vacations and such. That is one of the great things about being retired. You have unlimited vacation time.

By the way, be sure to buy Jake, the first book in the series. It has an excerpt from Sen’s book in the back.

Book Signings

This last weekend, I had the pleasure of attending the Capital City Author Event in Montgomery. So well organized. I met so many nice people. When I returned home, I had to take a nap.

This October 12, there will be another Book Fest in Sumiton, Alabama. Last year, I had a blast and it was a big success for myself and the group who put it together. I’ve been told it will bigger and better. Considering how wonderful it was at the time, that’s saying something. I hope to see you there.

Don’t forget I’m on Facebook, Instagram, and TikTok.

Writing Tidbit

I try to include a little of writing information in my newsletter, for I know there are authors or want-to-be authors who are subscribers.

For those who have Mac products, the software Vellum is worth every cent. It formats your ebooks and paperbacks quickly. A friend of mine was dreading formatting her book with Word as it took so much time. I offered to do it in Vellum to show her how efficient it was, and she was amazed. We had it done in less than twenty minutes. If I understand correctly, Atticus is similar to Vellum but for Window PCs and laptops.

Dark Romance

The other day, another author and I were talking about, “what’s dark romance?” She said it was violence done by the hero “on-screen.” Or there is the use or sale of drugs, or some type of dangerous crime performed by the hero. To me, that would only mean the book is about a criminal, not considered to be dark romance.

In a dark romance, the hero is considered to be an anti-hero. His actions are extreme, not just threats or the crime he commits against miscellaneous secondary characters, but a true danger to the heroine. The hero can actually abuse or/and wound/maim her. It’s not a taste for everyone.

My books are gritty, but rarely dark like that.

Latest Ad

Here’s the latest ad I’ve placed on social media.

Remember, if you wish for a copy of the short story, Kidnapped For A Day, just email me and let me know. Plus Savage Champion (ebook version) will be priced 99 cents until the end of May. Then it will go up to $6.99. Paperback version is $12.99.

Take care and happy reading.


Reminder: Tomorrow Release Day for Savage Champion

From bestselling author Carla Swafford a new genre for fans of her gritty romantic suspense books. When a private investigator tracks down a client’s lost sister, he discovers she’s not lost or the client’s sister. The woman is a vampire on a campaign of vengeance. Somehow he must stop her killing spree and protect her at the same time.

Newsletter: Author Carla Swafford – Trudging Along

So many manuscripts, so many stories to write. I’m presently working on editing another paranormal romance, and then I have three more books (one is romantic suspense, and two are contemporary romances: one with an asshole billionaire and the other I’m co-writing with my friend Betty Bolte) to finish this year. We’ll see if I can get it all done. Eeek!

Be sure to pre-order Savage Champion before April 23, 2024. Apple Books, Amazon Kindle, Barnes & Noble, and Kobo Books, Only 99 cents.

***Excerpt (unedited): Tori helps Ronan experience “Death Sleep” as a vampire for the first time.***

“What’s happening? My legs and arms feel so heavy.” Ronan’s puzzled tone was expected. I’d felt the same way when the first death-sleep came over me. 

He stumbled toward the bed, an angry look came over his face.

“What have you done to me?”

“Shh. Do you not feel it? The sun is just moments away from peeking between the trees. When you’re first reincarnated, a fledgling has difficulty staying awake beyond sunrise.” 

I helped him into bed, and he stretched on his back across the mattress. 

His unwarranted anger was so typical of a male vampire. Aggressive and territorial, the young vampire was unpredictable, but I hopefully waylaid the worst by providing an outlet for  his aggression.

“Isn’t it bothering you?”

“The longer you’re a vampire, the longer you can withstand the lure of the death sleep. Rarely, can a new vampire stay awake through dawn and never to high noon.” 

I watched him fight the sleep like a child, though nothing about the way he looked was childish. The black cotton shirt, unbuttoned to mid-chest, and black jeans along with his dark hair and olive skin, the combination gave him a dangerous air. Heated desire taunted me. Temptation to touch him while he slept almost overtook me. He would resent that. It would be too much like taking advantage of him during a weakness. 

His eyelids were at half mast. The beautiful depth glistening in the bedroom’s lights as he tried to keep me in his sight. He slowly closed them and snapped them back open, then they closed again. 

I lifted his large, rough hand to my lips and pressed a kiss to the back.

“Relax. I’ll watch over you until it’s time for me to join you. Guards surround the place and the house is secure. Wolfric wouldn’t have reached the ripe old age of a millennium if he was careless.” 

Immediately, his hand fell limp and his body sank further into the mattress. His chest no longer rose and fell with his breathing, and I knew his heartbeat would be near to nonexistent. I brushed the back of my fingers against his cheek, his skin was cold to the touch. Like death.

Wolfric was too wary to have vampires sleep in his bed when death sleep overtook him, if he did. I really had no idea. Only once, had I been near another vampire during death sleep. It had been when I traveled to Atlanta on Wolfric’s orders. 

There, the large vampire colony had consisted of artists and musicians. Though during that period, I’d spent most of my time recuperating from my wounds and controlling my urge to kill every deviant in a twenty-mile area, I’d allowed a tall blond male vampire to slip under my guard. 

The slightly older vampire had never met an instrument he couldn’t play and my body had been no exception. He’d been the only vampire I ever made love to or slept with before Ronan. After the Atlanta experience, I spent my sexual desires on my servants. Less of a distraction and I didn’t have to pretend softer feelings to achieve satisfaction.

Looking down at the man beside me, a softening around my heart eased the ache I endured for so long. I loved him, but how long would it take before he decided I was wrong to change him. 

Tired and no longer feeling the brew, I pressed my body to his and kissed him on the cheek. His shoulder was perfect for my head to rest on. 

I will be at the Capital City Author Event with many, many others. Please come by and say hi! Per Michelle Rls Sewell, founder and organizer, visit downtown Montgomery, AL, rich in history and southern hospitality, to meet some of your favorite authors of various genres. The Capital City Author Event will host over 80 authors/vendors, including many locally from Alabama, on May 17-18, 2024, Friday and Saturday.


Hope you stayed warm and read a lot like I did.



Newsletter: Author Carla Swafford – What’s Next?

As you probably remember from the last newsletter, Savage Champion is coming out April 23, 2024 for US$0.99 in ebook. I had mentioned the paperback would be $10.99 but forgot to mention that will most likely be on Amazon only. Everywhere else, the paperback will probably higher. It’s just the way the margins work when published through Ingram Sparks. Be sure to preorder your ebook copy. I’ll let you know when the paperback can be preordered. This is actually my longest book, over 90,000 words. Most of mine are 60,000+ to 80,000+. In case, you’ve forgotten what the cover looks like, here it is.

Tori Amherst

I died years ago.

In my savage new life, I revenge the helpless.

But a hunter came. A human. A former cop. Now a private eye.

His body, his blood, and his wounded soul is perfect.

Then I discover I’m not a champion, but a terror.

Ronan Michaels

I died in her arms.

But I woke to a new life full of hate

She hides truth. I hate secrets.

I crave her body, her blood, and her lost soul.

Then I discover the lies.

I will get my revenge and she will be mine.

Excerpt From Savage Champion

Here’s the first time Ronan (MMC) clearly sees Tori Amherst (FMC).

At that moment, the Maserati door opened and one long leg stretched out followed by another. Damn. Black hosiery and stilettos covered shapely limbs and dainty feet. She’d dumped the ugly ass coat. With a subtle wiggle, she smoothed her short leather skirt and turned to close the door. A flash of pale skin under her open leather jacket caught my eye. Only a strip of some type of clingy material covered her full breasts.

She moved like a panther, smooth and seductive. I grabbed my phone and hit video record. No one would believe me. The woman was fine. When she strolled beneath a street light, I remembered the grainy picture her brother had given me. It hadn’t done her justice. She’d cut her dark hair. Chin length strands caressed her enchanting face with each toss of her head.

My stomach clenched, answered by an unwelcome swelling in my groin. Her hair was dark red, more of an auburn color. I was a sucker for redheads.

Damn. She was the sexiest woman I’d ever seen in my life, and she was my client’s crazy sister. Fuck.

Ronan Michaels ~ Savage Champion

I was about to push the button to send out my newsletter, and decided to check on the book I mentioned in the following paragraph, you know, just in case Amazon finally did something about it. Well, they did. They finally took my name off it, but have deleted my reviews, not placing them on the correct book. No surprise. Anyway, I decided not to delete the paragraph and let you read what I deal with every time I turn around with Amazon. So sad. Of course, I won’t be calling them. The reviews (201) are still on Goodreads. I will not be surprised at any point if they disappear there too. Amazon does own Goodreads.

It's a struggle working with Amazon. The other day, I contacted them via chat about my book's, Circle of Desire, reviews showing up on another author's book with the same title. The incorrect book has two women and a sailor on the cover, and you can tell the book is from the forties or fifties, and it's a MALE author's name. A used bookstore has it for sale. Amazon kept telling me they couldn't do anything about it. Bull crap. So that means I will have to actually call Amazon and I really hate it. They are so hard to deal with. Their personnel have a script and they stick to it, never trying to listening to what I say. Keep your fingers crossed that I can make them understand this time. I've been dealing with a problem on this book or another (usually something so simple) for over 3 years.

Work, Work, Work (quote from Blazing Saddles)

Presently, I’m working on two books. One with my best friend, Betty Bolte´, and one of my own about a big asshole male billionaire. That’s a favorite trope of mine. There are so many books waiting for me to finish or revamp/edit. So who knows what will come out this year (besides Sen’s book).

If you’re wondering about the giveaway winners, I only heard from one subscriber. She didn’t say Happy Holiday as part of the rules, but I went ahead and offered her a paperback or ebook. She never answered. Oh, well. So none were given away. I’ll try again maybe next month. I’m thinking positive, believing everyone already has a copy of Jake.

Next newsletter, I’ll talk about the practice of giving stars, diamonds, coffee cups, peppers etc. In other words, ratings.

Happy New Year! Talk to you again soon.
