Newsletter: Author Carla Swafford – On To The Next One

Presently, I’m working on the second book in the Southern Crime Family series, Sen. It’s half written and I finally have a sense of where I’m going with it. Hopefully, it’ll be finished by this fall. There is so much planned this year. Special vacations and such. That is one of the great things about being retired. You have unlimited vacation time.

By the way, be sure to buy Jake, the first book in the series. It has an excerpt from Sen’s book in the back.

Book Signings

This last weekend, I had the pleasure of attending the Capital City Author Event in Montgomery. So well organized. I met so many nice people. When I returned home, I had to take a nap.

This October 12, there will be another Book Fest in Sumiton, Alabama. Last year, I had a blast and it was a big success for myself and the group who put it together. I’ve been told it will bigger and better. Considering how wonderful it was at the time, that’s saying something. I hope to see you there.

Don’t forget I’m on Facebook, Instagram, and TikTok.

Writing Tidbit

I try to include a little of writing information in my newsletter, for I know there are authors or want-to-be authors who are subscribers.

For those who have Mac products, the software Vellum is worth every cent. It formats your ebooks and paperbacks quickly. A friend of mine was dreading formatting her book with Word as it took so much time. I offered to do it in Vellum to show her how efficient it was, and she was amazed. We had it done in less than twenty minutes. If I understand correctly, Atticus is similar to Vellum but for Window PCs and laptops.

Dark Romance

The other day, another author and I were talking about, “what’s dark romance?” She said it was violence done by the hero “on-screen.” Or there is the use or sale of drugs, or some type of dangerous crime performed by the hero. To me, that would only mean the book is about a criminal, not considered to be dark romance.

In a dark romance, the hero is considered to be an anti-hero. His actions are extreme, not just threats or the crime he commits against miscellaneous secondary characters, but a true danger to the heroine. The hero can actually abuse or/and wound/maim her. It’s not a taste for everyone.

My books are gritty, but rarely dark like that.

Latest Ad

Here’s the latest ad I’ve placed on social media.

Remember, if you wish for a copy of the short story, Kidnapped For A Day, just email me and let me know. Plus Savage Champion (ebook version) will be priced 99 cents until the end of May. Then it will go up to $6.99. Paperback version is $12.99.

Take care and happy reading.


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