Worth Repeating

Postcard three books1A few months ago, I mentioned on Facebook five ways to say thank you to the authors that write the books you love.  I thought it worth repeating here.

5) Purchase the book new from a reputable bookseller.
4) Be sure to hit LIKE and rate it wherever it’s sold on line (see #5).
3) Sign up for the author’s newsletter (if she has one). Publishers love knowing the author has fans interested enough in her early/special announcements.
2) Become a fan: Follow, tweet, and LIKE and comment occasionally. (Twitter, Facebook, Goodreads and her blog.) We love hearing from you.

Then we can thank you in return by writing MORE BOOKS!

What’s That On Your Ears?

earringsToday, I’m wearing my special earrings.  So many people comment on them, but I really bought them because I write romantic suspense. Of course, other people think I must write something else entirely. Well, there was a little bondage in CIRCLE OF DESIRE.

But I am picking up Lexi Blake at the airport today for a special function my writers group is putting on tomorrow. I thought it would be a nice touch to make her feel at home.  LOL!

By the way, you can purchase your own pair at buycostume.com. That’s where you can pick up some fun unusual jewelry and shoes. No. I don’t get a kick back. Just thought you would like to know.

Giveaway: RT Book Reviews

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It is so cool! RT Book Reviews is giving away an e-copy of CIRCLE OF DESIRE along with several others. All you have to do is comment for a chance to win!


The Circle Series at $1.99 each!

ImageSurprise!  All of my books are priced at $1.99 in e-format. SO you have no excuse not to buy it. That’s pretty darn cheap for a full length novel . . . make that a full length GREAT novel.  LOL!



Barnes & Noble


All Romance Ebooks


And many more…

My Next Big Thing

Jennifer Echols asked me if I would be interested in being tagged for a blog hop. I never can tell that lady no (though I’m late posting this!). She’s such a sweetheart, and besides, I love her books! So here I am without a new book coming out anytime soon and me, being Imageme, refuse to talk about books that are not under contract. As you can imagine, yes, I’m writing (when am I not?) but writing a second proposal that hopefully will be accepted. The first that was turned down will show up as self-published or with another publisher when I get back to it. Loved that one!

Anyway, I decided to talk about The Circle series and though much of what the Blog Hop asks I’ve already answered on other Blog Hops, I thought maybe you will read something new or maybe you are new to my series. So here we go.

1) What is the working title of your next book?

As I mentioned above, no contract, no telling. Anyway, I don’t have a title for it. So here are the current titles out: CIRCLE OF DESIRE, CIRCLE OF DANGER, and CIRCLE OF DECEPTION.

2) Where did the idea come from for the book?

The idea for the first one, CIRCLE OF DESIRE, came from my love of the spy/assassin genre. I love books like this especially Linda Howard’s ALL THE QUEEN’S MEN. Love that book! Plus I love La Femme Nikita (old TV series) and James Bond movies (especially the ones with Pierce Bronson and Daniel Craig).  After writing three paranormal books in a row (no, they’re not published), I decided I needed to write something different. We’re always told to write what you love. Besides vampires, as I mentioned, I love assassins and I love it when I can twist a genre around on itself. Thus why the first book opens with a scene where the hired killer is a woman.


3) What genre does your book fall under?

It’s Romantic Suspense, but my publisher added the word Erotic. Don’t misunderstand, it’s not erotica. There really is a difference. Since they decided on erotic, they placed it in Avon Red. I will say that the second book is certainly hotter than the first and third, but I’ve read hotter books under paranormal that doesn’t have erotic on the spine or been placed in Avon Red. Personally, I love Avon Red books, but they don’t have a place on their website where you can easily find them all. Just my personal wish. HA!

4) What actors would you choose to play the part of your characters in a movie rendition?

CIRCLE OF DESIRE – Olivia & Collin:  Julianne Moore and Gerard Butler

CIRCLE OF DANGER – Marie & Ryker:  Hayden Panettiere and Hugh Jackman

CIRCLE OF DECEPTION – Abby & Rex: Jessica Alba and The Rock

I have to mention a secondary character and who I think could play him in a movie, Rex’s brother, Jack:  Vin Diesel.

5) What is a one-sentence synopsis of your book?

In this case, it will be for the three.Two clandestine organizations begin to implode but are saved by three determined couples who want to protect the ones they love.

6) Who is publishing your book?

Avon Red (Impulse), HarperCollinsImage

7) How long did it take you to write the first draft of the manuscript?

Let’s say this, the first book was published October 2011 and the third December 2012. So roughly four months each – for a rough draft.

8) What other books would you compare this story to within your genre?

Lori Foster’s Men Who Walk the Edge of Honor series. And in a way, Shannon McKenna’s McCloud Brothers.

9) Who or what inspired you to write this book?

See number 2.  😀

10) What else about this book might pique the readers’ interests?

The different relationship dynamics along with the hot sex.  LOL! Seriously, I hope the suspense in wondering what will happen next will help too.

Where can you buy my books? Anywhere on-line. In e-format or paperback.  Here’s a link to Amazon.

Anyway, I don’t have anyone tagged at this time, but will come in add them once I do.