
MP900387516 I love writing stories about misconceptions. You know where the hero appears to be a bad guy (and may be one) and he has a problem trusting that there are good people in the world. So cynical. And the woman is good, but people say ugly things about her and how her family is trash, so she has to be trouble too, right? Love it! Even reversed.

We all know in the real life nothing is as it appears. That’s why people fight and argue and are ugly to each other. We can only judge others by our own experiences. If our past involves having people betray or berate us, we expect it from everyone. Our insecurities can be a booger.

As most writers know, editors care little for conflict that could be solved by a simple conversation. I’m sure there are some stories written where the hero and heroine trust and love each other enough for that to happen pretty quickly. You know, talk and believe each other.   

Oh, no, not my characters. I love seeing my couple suffer as they learn to trust. And trust isn’t a stable emotion. In the beginning it doesn’t take much to blow all their hard work to hell and back. If you don’t trust yourself (Should you really believe in this man or woman? You’ve been hurt or seen others hurt over and over again.), how can you believe they won’t betray you? Again?

Bride and groom kissing.

The gradual move from distrust to believing what they say keeps me reading the book. And of course, the sexual tension keeps me turning the pages too.

Yes, love can conquer all ― that’s why I write romances ― but true love takes time and the length of one book usually does it.

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